The Choice Is ClearName For Larger Teams and Hospitals.

From Home Washing To Industrial Washing

The Choice Is Clear Name For Larger Teams and Hospitals.

For larger teams and organisations looking for an all around solution for handling different washing scenarios and being able to make the most of the financial and sustainability benefits from the longer use.

Because On Size Fits All.... Doesn't

No Style Limits

You can use our ClearName solution on any of our styles from Bandana and Captain tie back styles to Elastic Backed, Bouffant and even Hijab + Surgical Hood.

Name Badge Your Way

Name It Your Way

We focused on a scrub cap solution with ClearName so you can use our fabric name badges from 95p or laminate your own cards. You aren't tied in to a specific naming solution.

Turn Over, Pormotion, Team ROles

A Solution That's As Dynamic As Your Work Environment.

Whether your team changes roles or changes hospitals you can still use their scrub caps.

Change Is Inevitable, So We Designed For It

The Choice is Clear Name

Select from a range of styles and sizes to fit your team and even add customised Name Labels.

View ClearName Options

ClearName Scrub Caps

Ready For Bulk Orders...

We are honoured to have pioneered so many great advances in design and implementation of scrub caps and we have just taken another great leap forward to offer a solution perfect for hospitals and large teams that can have different roles and want to be part of us all getting to NetZero. 

Data + Emotion = Change

Transparent CO2e Calculator

We are proud to be the first and only (so far) to calculate our life cycle CO2 with the highest accuracy for manufacturing because it's all we make.

Plug In Your Own Numbers